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Welcome to the Bouganvilla Community

Bouganvilla Community Foundation (BCF) is based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and focuses on building sustainable communities where people have access to essential and basic needs, educational resources for youth and support and guidance for entrepreneurs. Our goal is to empower families and individuals to be self-sufficient, one community at a time, starting with the neighborhood of Mikocheni B in Dar es Salaam.


BCF is a foundation with a competitive advantage as it is rooted in the community it serves with a strategic approach to core competencies. We have a good understanding of our foundation’s core competencies which will allow us to build a durable and adaptable strategy in the face of uncertainty.


With a clear set of outcomes and objectives, our team of volunteers and local and international board members are experts in their diverse fields and are clear about what we do and have a vision of where we want to be and how we will get there. There is a strong focus on our external knowledge and the internal knowledge, skills, and shared culture of our foundation. We can change lives with our collaborative partnerships, fundraise for our programs and communicate the value and impact of the work we do.  We believe that everyone deserves access to a good quality of life.


Mission Statement

Our mission is to restore the dignity and quality of life of low-income individuals and families in surrounding neighborhoods by creating opportunities to improve their standards of living.



A Tanzania with self-sufficient communities that have access to basic necessities and opportunities to be active members of the civil society.

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